Home » Things to Do » South Triangle Pond Conservation Area
A short drive down a shaded country road leads to South Triangle Pond Conservation Area, 47 acres of quiet woodlands and tranquil pond shores. Here, you’ll be close to one of the most ecologically significant habitats in the world-coastal plain ponds.
The preserves lie between South Triangle Pond and Great South Pond and are part of a larger conservation area that protects the high concentration of coastal plain ponds located in this section of central Plymouth. The forested upland is characterized by a hummocky terrain of small hills and steep-sided hollows, formed when sand and gravel were deposited by meltwater from receding glaciers over 14,000 years ago.
Directions: Rt. 3 to Exit 13, travel south on Long Pond Road past school. Next right on Drew Road (dirt), past sign for Town Forest. Parking: After power lines, parking area is on right. You may enter trails from either side of the road.