

Historical and Cultural District

Pilgrim Pups

Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups
Pilgrim Pups

Pilgrim Pups is your destination for all things DOG! Whether you’re looking for a unique gift for your dog sitter or dog walker, you need an adorable new dog sweater, or you want to treat your pup to handmade, healthy treats – Pilgrim Pups is where you want to go!

Located conveniently downtown and right next to parking, you will have no problem walking your pup into the shop, where both of you will be lovingly greeted. Most of the products at Pilgrim Pups are handpicked from small business in the US, and are available both in-store and online.

Monday & Tuesday Closed
Wednesday-Sunday 11am-7pm
One of us is always at the store, and we can’t wait to meet you! And please bring the dogs!



12 North Street, Plymouth, MA, USA
