

Massachusetts 250 Logo

In 2025 and 2026, Massachusetts 250 is commemorating the many battles across the state that led to America’s independence.

Experience the birthplace of American Liberty, where history was made, and the future was forged. In Massachusetts, we are embracing our history, the untold and little-known stories; we are celebrating our independence and innovations from the past 250 years. Join Plymouth County as we commemorate big events and untold stories and celebrate the revolutions still to come.

Things to Do

Plymouth and Bristol County have an abundance of things to do for visitors looking for fun on the South Shore. Explore the area’s rich culture and heritage, discover the sites and stories of the Revolutionary War, and create memories during this auspicious anniversary. Dine out, take tours, and celebrate American independence when you come to the South Shore MA250.

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Plimoth Patuxet Museums
Mirbeau Inn & Spa

Where to Stay

When looking for lodging on the South Shore, you’ll have your choice of cozy bed & breakfasts, family-friendly waterfront resorts, and relaxing inns. They’re where you can rest between adventures and decompress after an exciting day of exploring Plymouth and Bristol County. Where you stay adds another layer of enjoyment to your MA250 experience.

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